Having : GEOG , PHYSICS , E. LIT test net week . grrrrrrr . Why must they come all at the same time ? D:
So uhh , just updating for a while . And I know that I didn't post agnes's bday pressie , its in my laptop , but I cannot access it . Using my desktop now , file not saved here . D: SO SORRY AGNES ! Will send it to you personally .
Just updating for a while , yeahs ? Oh , and I LOVE 1BN(: [we know we rock.]
Having : GEOG , PHYSICS , E. LIT test net week . grrrrrrr . Why must they come all at the same time ? D:
So uhh , just updating for a while . And I know that I didn't post agnes's bday pressie , its in my laptop , but I cannot access it . Using my desktop now , file not saved here . D: SO SORRY AGNES ! Will send it to you personally .
Just updating for a while , yeahs ? Oh , and I LOVE 1BN(: [we know we rock.]
Situated in the sunny island of Singapore, Jolene recently (is 2 years considered recent?) graduated from university and is now working in a job she never expected herself to hold. Besides having frequent quarter-life crises, she also indulges in video games, anime, and aesthetic korean girls documenting their life in vlogs.
Although not as eloquent with words, she still aims to try her best to bring across her thoughts to the Internet.