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April Fool's !
Saturday, 3 April 2010
Believe in yourself. HEY PEOPLE! Back after 1 day. Finally I can use my laptop. I couldn't even SEE IT let alone TOUCH IT yesterday . =========== April Fool's Day , 1 April 2010 I didn't get fooled ! Although FIONA , JIA YANG & YONG QING tried . EPIC FAILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ~ [not against ONA , but the boys] My first trick was on NICOLE-innocent little girl- She was sitting IN FRONT of me in class, so i leaned forward and like touched her back softly, trying to imitate a bee . then i was like : NICOLE ! NICOLE ! THERE'S A BEE ON YOUR BACK ! then i just walked forward and SLAPPED HER BACK . HARD . then that monkey[a.k.a. JIA YANG] was laughing like crazy cos he was sitting BESIDE Nicole , which was DIAGONALLY ACROSS ME . Next during the math lesson . Everyone was practically FALLING ASLEEP My next victim was ONA , a.k.a. MAH CRAZAY TWINNIE ! Fooled JADEY JADE JADE a.k.a. Jade , mah next bestiest fwend The last few teases .. Nope , secret Actually we wanted to like , SWOOP classes with CR , DL , etc. to make the teachers go CRAZY but we decided that we might get detention so we dismissed that idea Anyway , that's it . About my horrible life . [edit] ANYONE HAS '123' (song) ?? Send it to me puhleaseeeeeeee ~ [/edit] 0 comment[s] |