SIGH. Holidays are almost over! And my life is so hectic. Geez.
I have Dance this whole week and after Dance(on fri) I have a class gathering. And I will be dancing there :O Cos my OTHER dance mate = ex class mate = current school mate can't remember the steps as clearly as me cos she didn't come for some of the practices so.. yeah. SIGH SIGH SIGH. Guess what? I STILL HAVE HOMEWORK LEFT UNDONE! And this is super retarded. I might as well... GEEZ, DIE OF STRESS. Gah.
Oh, and some other stuff happened along the way. Do check my PRIVATE BLOG for more info. TY.
SIGH. Holidays are almost over! And my life is so hectic. Geez.
I have Dance this whole week and after Dance(on fri) I have a class gathering. And I will be dancing there :O Cos my OTHER dance mate = ex class mate = current school mate can't remember the steps as clearly as me cos she didn't come for some of the practices so.. yeah. SIGH SIGH SIGH. Guess what? I STILL HAVE HOMEWORK LEFT UNDONE! And this is super retarded. I might as well... GEEZ, DIE OF STRESS. Gah.
Oh, and some other stuff happened along the way. Do check my PRIVATE BLOG for more info. TY.
Situated in the sunny island of Singapore, Jolene recently (is 2 years considered recent?) graduated from university and is now working in a job she never expected herself to hold. Besides having frequent quarter-life crises, she also indulges in video games, anime, and aesthetic korean girls documenting their life in vlogs.
Although not as eloquent with words, she still aims to try her best to bring across her thoughts to the Internet.