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so what- I am a rockstar!
Saturday, 18 August 2012
heyyy. okay I lied. big time. whenever I say something like: oh, I shall update this post next time in the future! I promise! I'm actually lying- I'm a really lazy kid. so since my previous post wasn't thattt complete, here's a complete one(I hope)! - KALEIDOSCOPE. I hope I spelt that right. anyways yeah, I went to this CIP programme thing called kaleiDOscope 2012 or something like that organised by NUS (: it's really cool and awesome... even though I'm not entirely sure whether it was worth it to skip dance and go to this. I missed dance today :( OH NO MR. DAN PLEASE DON'T KILL ME. I PROMISE OR PLEDGE OR SWEAR TO ATTEND ALL OF THE PRACTICES IN THE FUTURE AND PUT IN MY BEST EFFORT IN LEARNING THE DANCE ROUTINE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET ME CONTINUE STAYING IN DANCE *prays* technically, I do have a valid reason. but still, it's DANCE. and dance is awesome. and actually even though the whole 'opera' genre didn't seem very appealing at first, it is kind of fun to experience dancing opera stuff and the moves are actually really cool and fluid... as usual. so anyways, kaleiDOscope! okay I really ought to copy and paste that because it's so hard to type that out with the capital 'DO' lol. we first had to register and were given this... role card. I was a highschool dropout. whoohoo. sucks to be me, huh? nope. I was lucky actually hahaha. min hui got the role of a foreign worker and she had to wear this orange vest thing like a construction worker LOL and there were other roles such as hearing impaired, mute, physically disabled, and even a person with AIDS lol. there were single parents who were given a carebear to simulate it as his/ her child too and those who were physically disabled had to carry crutches along with them during the entire 2 hours. HAHAHA and as a high school dropout you don't have any 'extra items'. thank god for that. so behind these role cards there were different tasks that we had to complete and as a high school dropout I had to go to the 'school' to upgrade my skills and HELL I GOT DISCRIMINATED. yeah. they gave me this really hard and weird word finding thingy and there were like over 40 different states or something in europe or something like that and those words were weird words. like words that I have never seen in my entire life so.. I only found 8 in the 7 minutes that they gave us. Pathetic, I know. No ice cream sticks for me either. those ice cream sticks were being used as a currency of some sort and each ice cream stick represented $2. cool. I had 19 ice cream sticks after the whole thing so... $38 >:) yeah then after the whole simulation thing we had to have LUNCH IN THE DARK. that was the coolest thing that we did today lol. we had to blindfold ourselves and grope around for the spoon in the styrofoam box so most of us were like totally touching our food. eww, gross, yes I know. but it was so much fun hahaha and people were eating like plain rice most of the time because we couldn't see where the actual food were LOL! then caroline zhang was like crawling from her place to our side (we were seated in circles at different parts of the huge MPH) so in the end all of us were crawling to find other people... blindfolded. LOLOLOL it was really funny because you will get molested and stuff (most of us were girls so it's fine, thank god) and everyone was like groping here and there hahaha. then after that we had talks and after the talks we had the T-SHIRT DESIGNING. it was so fun and fiona and I were supposed to design for a girl called Wong Qiu Yun or something and she wrote there that she likes puss in boots so I drew a puss in boots on the shirt. LOL BUT IT WAS A TOTAL FAIL >< but overall it was really fun, enriching, awesome, meaningful, and other words that coincide with each other hahaha. my vocabulary isn't all that good. - want photos? (:
yeah it was sooooo fun (:
what else to post about other than studies and school?
psssh what else, but friends!
yeah so lately I have been in this really really weird student leader clique (was about to type SC but realised that BX isn't an SC lol) that consists of katty, ben, quek xue, bing xin, adriel and me :D so yeah it's really cool because all of us have no idea how the heck did we come together but soon enough we have a clique and TADAH! it's awesome because we can share study notes (yes study lol) sine we're all from different classes and our personalities are all about the same- loud and lame. HAHAHA L&L. okay see? I'm lame. whoohoo, sue me.
and when katty and quekxue went over to my house (yeah friends finally coming to my house after like YEARS) for hair chalking (HAHAHA YAY) we suddenly and randomly came up with a group name- J.K. Romeo has ABBs. yeah it's on purpose to have the double-B. each initial for our name and Romeo stands for quekxue. HAHAHA so cool and awesome right! I know. *flips hair*
we went cycling on one day (friday during the 5 days holiday, the previous post lol) and I have an obvious tan line. eww. I forgot about sunblock and now I'm all black and fried! NO OFFENCE TO WHOEVER! but it was so fun because we managed to somehow meet Jacqueline coincidentally at Macs when we stopped to have a break and have our brunch / lunch. sooo coincidental such that all of us were suspecting whether adriel had purposely made us stop at macs because Jac was there. HAHAHA but yeah it was so cool! :D
I also managed to meet my primary school friends, andy, weak and frail and gan shyan. yeah soooo cool :D WHOOHOO. after the endless photos we went cycling. and KLP yet again. yeap.
okay this has been a COMPLETE POST filled with words, photos and the awesomeness of me. so I shall stop. yay! :D
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