49 more posts to 400, and 300 more pageviews to 16,000 :D
I find that I am at ease when I look at pretty pictures on weheartit or tumblr. It's just like the pictures get me calm and cool until I'm so fascinated that I start heart-ing everthing. Pretty Eiffel! *heart* Pretty ice cream! *heart* Pretty shoes! *heart* Pretty dress! *yet another heart* Then after all of it, I feel so peaceful.
And a smile just creeps up on my face.
I guess I've found a way to calm down when I'm stressed or vexed in the (near) future (:
49 more posts to 400, and 300 more pageviews to 16,000 :D
I find that I am at ease when I look at pretty pictures on weheartit or tumblr. It's just like the pictures get me calm and cool until I'm so fascinated that I start heart-ing everthing. Pretty Eiffel! *heart* Pretty ice cream! *heart* Pretty shoes! *heart* Pretty dress! *yet another heart* Then after all of it, I feel so peaceful.
And a smile just creeps up on my face.
I guess I've found a way to calm down when I'm stressed or vexed in the (near) future (:
Situated in the sunny island of Singapore, Jolene recently (is 2 years considered recent?) graduated from university and is now working in a job she never expected herself to hold. Besides having frequent quarter-life crises, she also indulges in video games, anime, and aesthetic korean girls documenting their life in vlogs.
Although not as eloquent with words, she still aims to try her best to bring across her thoughts to the Internet.